Explore Lakshmi Girls Hindu College
Let’s Learn Together
Here you will find some interesting and exciting information about us and our many achievements in the brief fifty years since we were established.
These have been years of tremendous expansion, not just in our physical infrastructure, but also in our curriculum, staffing and student population.
As we continue to chart a course towards future growth we hold steadfast to our spiritual foundation as a Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha denominational school which in turn informs our social and cultural ethos.
Ultimately, our vision is to produce holistically developed young women who can constructively participate in the society of their time bound by strong spiritual values and traditions. We hope this site shed some insight into this unique institution.
Our Vision
Our Vision is of a school dedicated to producing successive generation of students who are prepared to constructively participate in the society of their time, bound by strong Hindu Values and Tradition.

"Saa Vidya Yaa Vimuktaye"
Wisdom Leads to Liberation