In the Science Department, we view our role in education as an honour and whilst we pledge our commitment to provide a creative and innovative learning environment, we are dedicated to ensure the continued success of our students.
More and more, LGHC is being recognised as a top performing school, and with good reason. Over the years, our Science students have been among the top ten candidates on the CAPE and CSEC Merit List for Biology, Chemistry Physics and Integrated Science. On numerous occasions they have placed first on those merit lists.
As we strive to develop the incredible potential of our students, the Science Department has offered many opportunities to stimulate creativity and imagination.
Susan Maraj (Head of Department)
Savitri Adam
Chandra Balroop
Ria Bissoon
Clara Gangaram-Lakhan
Renata Jainarine
Rosina Ramlal-Dipsingh
Nicole Sookoo-Singh
Preeta Sookhan
Afeesha Olton
Sooneeta Bahadhursingh
Devika Garib
Priya Ramsubhag

LGHC Science Newsletter 2019
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